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October 10, 2011




mary fish

Thank goodness you removed the "strangers" and replaced them with these adorable bingo bits. Love the layered pattern. Are the jolly bits on tap for a Christmas tree? Hugs, Auntie

Tammy Shaia

I love this tree! What a great idea!!

Queen Mary

Love it Kris! Excellent eagle eye you have!

Pat Gasko

That tree is perfect! It's as if the Spooky Bingo Bits were made with that tree in mind. Great idea! Hope to see it decorated for the coming holidays.

Patti MacLeith

This is SO cute, Kris!!

888 ladies bingo room

That is just darling! I love the way you do this. The spooky bingo bits tree is very very awesome. It's like the ideal Halloween bingo product. I wonder though - could we perhaps jazz it up in time for the holidays? We've not much time left - lol!!! I can see it now - Santa and Rudolph and all the other cool critters and animals on the sleigh - elves and gnomes and little workers. Would be a terrific bingo gift no? I'm looking forward to my holiday in Swansea Wales. Until then - keep on gaming and enjoy the Festive Season and all that bingo has to offer - au revouir!!!

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